Employee Leave Management System | Source Code

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Employee Leave Management System Source Code

Employee Leave Management System (ELMS) is a web-based system that enables employees and administrators to manage leave requests and track employee leave information. The system is divided into two modules: the employee module and the admin module. The Admin Module allows the administrator to add, update and delete leave types and departments, add new employees and update employee information, activate or block an employee, manage the leave application (approval and non-approval) and view the admin dashboard. Every time an employee applies for leave, the administrator will receive a notification. The administrator can also change their own password after logging in. The Employee Module allows the employee to log in with a valid email and password, update their profile, apply for leave, view their leave history, change their password, and recover their password with a valid email and employee ID. ELMS allows employees and administrators to efficiently manage leave requests and track employee leave information, ensuring a smooth and streamlined process.

Source Code Overview
Project Name Employee Leave Management System
Language Used PHP
Database MySQL OR MongoDB
Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA

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