News Portal: MCA Project Report | Filemakr

News Portal Project Report

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The News Portal Project is a dynamic web-based application designed to provide users with real-time access to news content. It boasts an intuitive interface with a robust backend database, ensuring easy maintenance and adaptability. The admin dashboard offers comprehensive oversight, allowing administrators to manage categories, subcategories, and monitor the publication of news articles. With the ability to add, update, and delete categories and subcategories, the admin maintains control over the organizational structure of the news portal. Additionally, the admin can manage news posts efficiently, facilitating seamless content management. The project prioritizes security, safeguarding against unauthorized access to ensure data integrity. For users, the portal offers a seamless browsing experience, enabling them to read news articles and search for specific content effortlessly. Users can engage with the platform by leaving comments on articles, fostering a sense of community engagement. Overall, the News Portal Project presents a sophisticated solution for delivering news content in a user-friendly and secure manner, making it an ideal candidate for a B.Tech final year project.


The objective of the News Portal project is to develop a dynamic and user-friendly web-based application that provides real-time news content to users. The project aims to create a platform where users can easily access news articles, search for specific news items, and interact through comments. The system will have an admin dashboard to manage categories, subcategories, news posts, and reader comments, ensuring smooth and efficient content management. The project will also focus on security, implementing measures to prevent unauthorized access and maintain the integrity of the platform. Overall, the News Portal project seeks to deliver a comprehensive news portal solution that meets the needs of both users and administrators, providing a seamless and engaging news reading experience.


The aim of the News Portal project is to develop a web-based application that serves as a dynamic platform for publishing and accessing news content. The project aims to provide a user-friendly interface for both administrators and users, allowing administrators to manage categories, subcategories, news posts, and reader comments easily. The system will be based on a database, making it easy to maintain and update. The project will utilize web scripting languages such as PHP to generate web pages in real-time, ensuring that the content is always up-to-date. Security measures will be implemented to protect the system from unauthorized access. Overall, the project aims to create a reliable and efficient news portal that meets the needs of both administrators and users.

Project Report Content
  • Introduction

  • AIM

  • Existing System

  • Proposed System

  • Feasibility Study

  • Project Work Schedule

  • Organization of Report

  • Hardware Requirements

  • Software Requirements

  • Software Development Life Cycle Model

  • General Overview

  • Use Flow Diagram

  • ER Diagram

  • DFD Diagram

  • Front End Technology

  • Back End Technology

  • Unit Testing

  • Integration Testing

  • Software Verification & Validation

  • Black-Box Testing

  • White-Box Testing

  • System Testing

  • Result

  • Advantages

  • Conclusion

  • Bibliography

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